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A message from our CEO and Hormone Team Lead

The Female Health Clinic doctors follow the NICE guidelines which advocate individualising treatment plans for each patient. This means that a patient may decide to manage their menopausal symptoms with non-hormonal strategies or they may choose to take Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

A discussion regarding the risks and the benefits will take place before starting any HRT and a small number of women may eventually need HRT doses that are higher than the licensed doses. This is acceptable under GMC guidance where there is a shared management plan with a suitably qualified specialist.

The lowest effective dose possible is used to manage symptoms and appropriate monitoring is put in place. Monitoring might include serial measurement of oestrogen levels, side effect monitoring and monitoring of any bleeding. Medication is only gradually increased where appropriate and following agreement between the patient and doctor.

In all cases appropriate protection of the womb lining with progesterone will also be put in place.

Patients who have concerns regarding their treatment doses are welcome to contact the clinic via


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