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Psychology Services

Without doubt, our mental and physical health are equally important components of our overall health.

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AgeHappy – Well Mental Health

Our Well Mental Health services are provided in partnership with Oak Grove Psychology.

Psychology sessions are conducted online to ensure confidentiality and convenience.

After an initial chat with a member of their team, you will be matched with a psychologist who best meets your needs.

 The benefits of psychological therapy

Therapists can assist you in understanding both how your difficulties developed and factors that might be serving to maintain your problems, within a private and confidential space. They will be able to support you in learning skills and techniques to manage your emotions, relationships and life challenges and move towards the things you value in life.

You do not have to be diagnosed with a mental health problem to benefit from therapy. You can seek help for everyday difficulties that many of us face, to improve your mental health and quality of life. 

Difficulties like job stress and burnout, relationship issues, complex life decisions, challenges associated with parenting and family life or a lack of self-confidence, self-compassion and self-esteem. Did you know that more and more people are presenting with anxiety since the Covid19 pandemic

Therapy is particularly effective when facing challenging and exceptional times, such as going through a divorce, experiencing a loss or going through stages in the life cycle (for example, perimenopause/menopause, when children leave home or beginning retirement).

Make An Appointment

Can therapy help with menopausal symptoms?

Perimenopause and Menopause are times of great transition, and therapy can offer you a safe space to understand and manage some of the common symptoms, that affect our mood and mental health, such as anxiety and depression (including learning effective coping mechanisms).

Seeing a specialist offers a different perspective and coupled with expert advice and guidance, can be a toolkit to thrive moving forwards.

What are the benefits of therapy?

Therapy can assist you in understanding how your difficulties developed and factors that might be serving to maintain your problems, within the context of a private and confidential space. Your therapist will be able to support you in learning skills and techniques to manage your emotions, relationships and life challenges and move towards the things you value in life.

Find the best solution for you

If you are not sure what treatments are for you then search your current symptoms to find the right treatment for you.

Regulated by The Care Quality Commission

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A modern and private independent healthcare clinic focusing on feMale health. We operate by appointment only to ensure a discreet and confidential service for our patients.

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The British Menopause Society

Not all clinics and doctors are recognised as specialists by The British Menopause Society (BMS), the authority for menopause and post-menopausal health in the UK.

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